Bookings for Winter January 2025 are now open for current students only from the 30th October to 9th of November. Bookings will open for NEW students from the 11th of November.

If you are interested on being on our waiting list, please contact us on with the course name you are interested & your mobile number. We will send you an SMS once bookings are open. 
ArtResin – Art Academy Direct


David and Rebecca fell in love with resin at the same time as they were falling in love with each other (circa 2007). Things were perfect—everything, that is, except the resin. 

So they did what creative people do: they problem-solved and problem-solved and problem-solved (with help from some smart Texas chemists).  Finally they came up with the ideal product for their artwork: crystal clear resin that's easy and safe to use.  And now you can use it too, for whatever it is you do and all your endless ideas.

7 products