Bookings for Winter January 2025 are now open for current students only from the 30th October to 9th of November. Bookings will open for NEW students from the 11th of November.

If you are interested on being on our waiting list, please contact us on with the course name you are interested & your mobile number. We will send you an SMS once bookings are open. 
Acrylicos Vallejo – Art Academy Direct

Acrylicos Vallejo

The Vallejo Company was established in 1965, in New Jersey, U.S.A. In the first years the company specialized in the manufacture of Film Color, waterbased acrylic colors for animated films (cartoons). In 1969 the company moved to Spain; in those years many important cartoon studios were based in Europe. In 1972 Amadeo Vallejo developed Acrylic Artist Color, the first acrylic for fine arts manufactured in Spain, and one of the first acrylic colors for artists produced in Europe.

ACRYLICOS VALLEJO New Brand Image - INSPIRING EXPERIENCE from vallejocolors on Vimeo.


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