
Golden: Professional Gesso - Up to 3.78L
Golden Artist Colors
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White Gessos are ready-to-use formulations for painting on most surfaces. They are flexible and can be applied in thin layers to conform to a variey to textures without cracking. For oil painting, we recommended that at least three layers of gesso. Gesso can be mixed with acrylic colors to produce a range of colored grounds
- GOLDEN Gesso can be brush, roller, trowel or spray-applied. Dilution of the Gesso is only necessary for spray application, but may be desired for brush or roller applications as well. When diluting with water, we recommend a maximum dilution of 25%. Any mixture within this range offers little risk of cracking or other adverse effects.
- Mixing With Other GOLDEN Products
GOLDEN Gesso can be tinted with GOLDEN Heavy Body Acrylics, Fluid Acrylics, Matte Fluid Acrylics, or High Load Acrylics. The High Loads most closely resemble the Gesso since they both possess a high pigment load, a velvety, low-gloss sheen and a similar viscosity. Matte Fluid Acrylics are the best option after the High Loads. Tinting with High Loads is recommended since they will alter the attributes of the Gesso the least. Due to the high pigment/solid concentration, High Load Acrylics and Gesso should only be applied in thin layers. Thick, single-applications of these products may crack. - Flexibility - Generally, canvas coated with GOLDEN Gesso may be rolled up without cracking. Cracking may occur if a canvas is overly flexed or stretched, especially at colder temperatures.
- Multiple Coats
Although one coat of Gesso will provide good adhesion, it may sometimes leave pinholes or uncovered areas. It is recommended to apply at least two coats of Gesso to any surface, but especially when painting on canvas or linen. The first coat will penetrate the support and reduce the likelihood of paint de-lamination. The second coat bonds with the first layer and begins to even out the surface. Subsequent layers of Gesso will produce an even smoother surface. For spray-application, you may have to apply more than 2 coats to achieve a film similar to a brush application. - Spray Application Dilutions
The degree to which the GOLDEN Gesso needs thinning depends on what type of spray equipment is being used. No dilution of the Gesso may be required when using equipment with relatively large orifices and substantial pressure. Thin Gesso for spraying by blending with GOLDEN Airbrush Medium, which reduces viscosity, improves flow and tip-dry, and promotes leveling. Start with a mixture of 1 part Airbrush Medium to 1 part Gesso and test spray quality. Additional reduction with the Airbrush Medium may be required, especially with smaller nozzle equipment and lower air pressures.
Available in the following sizes at Art Academy: 236ml, 473ml, 946ml and 3780ml