10 Step Drawing: Cats
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-If you want to draw cats but don’t know where to start, this is the book for you!
10 Step Drawing: Cats will help you turn simple shapes into beautiful cat drawings in just ten steps. Each drawing starts with easy, geometric shapes and simple guide lines, and the cats are drawn in a variety of poses that typify the particular breed. Each drawing includes a helpful colour palette so readers can easily find the right colours to finish their drawing. There are even instructions for adding simple details to give each creature its own personality.
Table of Contents
Contents 6, Introduction 6, How to use this book 7
Faces & features
Front view face 10, Side view face 12, Eyes 14, Nose 15, Ears 16, Birman 18, Chartreux 20, Oriental Shorthair 22, Maine Coon 24, Singapura 26, Raga Muffin 28, Sphynx 30, Snowshoe 32
Cats at rest
Sitting, front view 36, Sitting, back view 38, Lying down 40, Sleeping 42, Curled up 44, Nebelung 46, Persian 48, Egyptian Mau 50, Devon Rex 52, British Shorthair 54, Turkish Van 56, Siberian 58, Bengal 60, Ragdoll 62, Balinese 64, Russian Blue 66, Burmese 68, Colourpoint Shorthair 70, Savannah 72
Cats in motion
Standing 76, Grooming 78, Playing 80, Reaching 82, Stretching 84, Walking 86, Running 88, Jumping 90, Bombay 92, Siamese 94, Norwegian Forest 96, Burmilla 98, Chausie 100
Cats & kittens
Licking paw 104, Balancing 106, Playing with wool 108, Arching 110, Mother & kitten 112, Abyssinians 114, Exotic Shorthair 116, La Perm 118, American Shorthair 120, Scottish Fold 122, Tonkinese 124, Ocicat 126
About the artist 128, Acknowledgements 128