Bookings for Winter January 2025 are now open for current students only from the 30th October to 9th of November. Bookings will open for NEW students from the 11th of November.

If you are interested on being on our waiting list, please contact us on with the course name you are interested & your mobile number. We will send you an SMS once bookings are open. 
Atmospheric Landscapes in Acrylics – Art Academy Direct
Atmospheric Landscapes in Acrylics

Atmospheric Landscapes in Acrylics


Regular price €19.90 Sale

An inspirational, unsentimental look at the landscape in acrylics from an award-winning young artist.

An exciting new talent, Fraser Scarfe's moody and expressive landscapes combine the best of the traditional approach to painting with the benefits of modern materials. His aim is to reveal the natural beauty and drama in the landscape without the need for romanticism, and this is borne out in his raw, unsentimental yet strikingly beautiful landscape paintings.

This book will appeal to acrylic artists of all abilities as well as those looking to transition from oils, pastels and watercolours alike. It follows the award-winning artist through the year, offering readers productive and inspiring ways to paint from deepest winter to midsummer while they learn to engage with their subject. Using a combination of practical instruction and inspirational example, Fraser imparts his knowledge of the techniques and materials he uses, his style and his inspiration, proving that he is truly a force to be reckoned within the art world.